Friday, July 27, 2007

quote of the day

"Roar of a steam locomotive once shook the Earth to haul modern society. Now
the world's pulse solemnly beats with a semiconductor." -- Hynix Semiconductor

That's one way to argue that semiconductor is my hot, hot sex. I'll post another after this weekend. (there's an ongoing debate at work over one editor's heated rant about how "there's nothing more sexy than semiconductors! Nothing!")

On a side note, kudos to life for behaving thematically. I saw Hairspray last night (kind of awesome. John Travolta and Christopher Walken get my vote for couple of the year.) and afterwards we serendipitously wandered into a drag queen bar. The funny thing was we didn't even notice at first. I guess when we entered there were a lot of dudes around, and the lady giants trickled in later. We were just obliviously sitting in our couchy corner and didn't realize, until someone got up to buy drinks, that we'd been completely surrounded by gigantic skirted folk.

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