Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Furry things and Goo

A friend posed this question: If you fell off your bike coming back from the farmer's market, would you save yourself or the peaches?

I replied, the peaches!

Correct, she said.

It's not even entirely about the deliciousness of peaches... there's something about the vulnerability of the peach that makes me want to protect them, even at my own expense, when replacing my skin cells is certainly harder than replacing a peach.

So much for logic.

Some peaches are so delicate that they bruise just by touching each other. I like thinking about peaches: I am pleased that such a thing exists.

Speaking of delicate things, later this week I inherit two monster kittens. They're malnourished, and I can't help but picture them attempting to eat me with their devil mouths and stalk me with their seedy little eyes. Careful, you terrors, I'm watching you.

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